Sunday, October 21, 2007


I go to a church that meets under the Interstate. Those in college meet on Sunday nights to learn and talk and encourage. Not too long ago, we met and had time to write response to a line we'd read.

"You are the salt of the earth."
You are here to bring out the God-flavors. Sometimes I'm self-centered. Self-Centered and I say I want the vision of the Kingdom but it's so core that my fleshings and superficiality take precedence over a central belief. Do I display You in my conversations, my rising and going and doing? Sometimes I feel like I'm living for myself and getting really successful at seeming cool. "Death to cool. " You are the reason and redeemer.

"How can it be made salty again... It is good for nothing... Thrown out... trampled under foot."
How can we be made into Your likeness again? Lying alone in darkness, this is our desire. When all else disappoints and fades to dust and rust, You remain. May we cease, and begin to begin at Your flavor, though we begin at mercy and you show us your faithful and flawless love, we are made aware of our disappointing nature and cry out apology.

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