Sunday, February 3, 2008

a path to writings not my own

I took a trail that lead past rocks and water, and had the feel of nature but was most certainly enclosed by fence and planned. Walking along, I climbed stone steps and reclined to re-begin a book I had picked up some years ago. The author spoke of nearness to God. It seemed familiar, closer than just a glance of a read from the distant past. The nearness-by-likeness seemed like an echo of something I had heard from a friend. And then I remembered her story - It’s still one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. In reference to the Introduction of C.S. Lewis’ “The Four Loves” - he speaks to things I have felt were beautiful but never knew why. “Read it. I know you’ll love it.”


Audrey said...

oh dear. I had gotten a bit lax about checking here, but was so glad to read this post at the table across from the counter at CGs this morning. Beautiful. I want to walk there with you. Also (that mmm sound people make when they resonate with something a friend has said). Yes. That. Also I love you and have a story to tell you about provision and a power cord.

Aaron y Julia said...

Mmmmm. I'm noticibly calmer after reading through your entries (I'm sad to admit it's the first chance I've gotten to read this)...

I love your heart. Every bit of it. Not to mention your beautiful writing, but your heart mainly.